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Peak Mountain 3

Summer Solstice

FA Slothower, Milhaupt
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


We climbed this route with the intention of reaching the steep crack above the overhanging wall on the right side of the sun. It has some excellent climbing mixed with some bs. For those who like the OW it's a fun outing. Pitch 1: Begin with a lichenous handcrack on the right side of the sun. Move left under the overhang lowdown. Continue straight up on the slab after the crack ends. There is a #2 Camalot placement partway up the slab (essential), and some small cam or nut placements in the crack just right of the giant hanging prow. 100' 5.9s. Pitch 2: 4th or easy 5th class. Scramble up behind the prow and tunnel through to the other side. Traverse across to the base of the steep wide crack (We roped up here). Pitch 3: Jam up to the overhang and crank through the chicken wing crux. The start of the pitch is a little lichenous, but the pro is bomber the whole way. Belay in the crack above. 5.10d 50'. Continue up easy 4th-class slabs until it is possible to walk off right.


single set of TCUs, Camalots 1-4, double 1-3, a #3 Big Bro would help for the second on the crux.

2000 km
1000 mi