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Peak Mountain 3

Ichiban Arete

FA Richard and Joyce Rossiter
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start at a tree about 50' up a gully between Fin One and Fin Two. From the tree, move up and diagonaling up and right on good holds. It is possible to clip the first bolt of

The Untitled

(12a) as well as the first bolt of Ichiban Arete. Move around the corner, clip a bolt and continue up easy climbing (7) to the summit. The [rappel] bolts here are not very well placed, but you can [rappel] to the NW and then scramble down.

The bolt out and right of the belay tree is NOT for Ichiban Arete. Don't make this mistake like we did, you end up on an alternate start to

The Untitled

(11c/d). The moves are good, but [definitely] not 10b.


QDs and a light rack.

1000 km
500 mi