We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaLake TahoeHighway 50 CorridorEcho SummitEcho LakesBlind Man's Bluff<Pyramid5.10>Death Tuna5.10Bookie5.10atradFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionFollows the crack in the right corner.ProtectionPro to 2.5 in.Routes in Blind Man's Bluff1Magic Book5.8Trad2Aesop5.12cSport3Pyramid5.10Trad4Bookie5.10aTrad 5Death Tuna5.10Trad6Golden Years5.11aTrad7Snake Charmer5.11cTradUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map1000 km500 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslightUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map1000 km500 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslight