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Peak Mountain 3

Cosmic Power - Itty Bitty Living Space

FA Unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Itty Bitty Living Space starts out on the south face of Jafar using the incut hold as a matched starting hold.Summon some magic or burn one of your wishes and control this start before reaching for the next hold. Not only is this Tricky but it is powerful.Top-out through the notch in the center of the south face.


At Mt Scott gate parking look up the talus slope and see a sand dune looking boulder (this is Zoo Wall 9 3/4). Look left of this and you should see a yellow lichen cube with a clean square in the middle of it. This is Jafar.Head up the Talus Runway to Zoo Wall 9 3/4 and head west 80 yds


1-2 pads and active spotter

1000 km
500 mi