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Peak Mountain 3

Wipe twice

FA Jun' 19 BJ Zierolf 112572069 Brandon wiltzius 200214537
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023



at the start of the cliff face coming up the road there are two cairns that show a decent path to left that lead to the bottom. highly over grown  in places. following the cliff face/ scree field you'll come to a 20' cliff with a 5.5 scramble for 80'. 30' further the cliff band pinches into a corner with a clean white band on the left and orange moss of the right this is the start of the climb. its the only part of the base that has a substantial rock field and we cleared the bushes from the start/belay area.

GPS at top of route-39.772316,-120.433480


R- rating  because there is three substantial ledges on this route you could blow gear and deck onto.

leading this takes a full rack from .2 -6. or you can TR with  two 4' diameter boulders that are half buried directly in front of two stout trees 6-9' off the edge respectively. or you can use a hex, nut and #3 as an anchor.

Routes in Portola Potty

  1. 1
    Wipe twice
    Tr · Trad
1000 km
500 mi