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Peak Mountain 3

Easter Egg Hunt (aka Jaime Maneuver)

FA (TR) Todd Swain, Randy Ziedberg, Andy Schenkel, 03-28-1991, FL: Todd Gordon, Karen Miller & Maggie Ross, October 1999
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The line follows the left portion of Easter Overflow. There is some traversing involved between the 2nd and 3rd bolt. The start is much easier than EO. Not 100% sure but I believe first ascent was Todd Gordon. Such a fun route didn't want it to be missed here.


Located on Jaime's rock behind group camp site #1 in Indian Cove It is the route to the left of Easter Overflow.


4 bolts, 2 bolt anchor with rings

1000 km
500 mi