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Peak Mountain 3

American Girl

FA Dave Sowerby and Mike Smith 1/10/1990
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Head up easy broken steps to a corner crack and follow it up to a small roof and top out left to a blocky slab and bolted anchors. 


This route is in the middle of the left section of the hardscrabble wall. There’s a cluster of 3 trees right at the base. Just to the left of miss adventure and primordial soup. 


Single rack with pro to 1 inch. There’s a few tricky horizontal placements and also a thin crack that doesn’t take much gear. There’s a really rusty piton (marked as an “X” in the guide) at the top just before you top out, there’s good gear in a crack to the right of it to back it up. There’s spots for gear after you top out and the anchors are nice new SS bolts and rings.

1000 km
500 mi