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Demise of the Roaring Twenties
Another fine free option on the east face of the Residence, this one serves up some nice splitter action on good stone.
P1- The same first pitch as Dirty Thirty to the ledge. See that route for description. (5.9+, 70')
P2- Walk left (south) on the large ledge to the left side of the east face where a right-leaning diagonal splitter will be obvious. The crack starts as a tight handcrack with flakes for feet out right, and widens to fists in a flare. Commit to a cruxy layback around the OW ear flake and finish up a strenuous OW on softer rock. Belay on a large ledge; I slung a large block for the belay. (5.11-, 70')
Scramble up to the base of the summit towers and bag any of the summits. Refer to the description of Dirty Thirty for more details about these summits and the descent directions.
On the 2nd tier of the east face, near the left (south) edge.
(2x) #1-#3 (1x) #4, #5 BD C4 Camalots (2x) old #5 BD Camalots new #6 might work but will be really crunched.
Routes in The Putterman Residence
- 2Demise of the Roaring Twenties5.11-Trad