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Peak Mountain 3

Bingo's Revenge

FA Glotfelty
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Pull through crimps, a couple slopers, and then to a slab. After the slab, you go through the roof to the top.


This route is directly left of Elastique. There are a couple of ways to start it. You can either do the same start as Elastique/Plant food. Put a long runner on the second bolt and head way left up the sloppy dihedrial. Clip first bolt and go.

Or you can walk up the easy 5'th class stuff just to the left of Plant food and belay from just under the first bolt, skipping the dihedrial. If you do it this way, it's 6 bolts total. 8 bolts the other way.


6 bolts. Either the 1'st or 2'nd bolt is not that secure. The rock has chipped awaw below it, leaving about a 1/4" of the bolt exposed. Go through this section carefully.

2000 km
1000 mi