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Peak Mountain 3

Inappropriate Footwear

FA Rosemary Gallagher
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Oddly enough, the crux is the very first move. Once you've made it past the start you'll jog up. What's good? The slabby face will let you lean into it and run for the view of the ocean. What's bad?'s...super easy?

Start at the broad saddle at the center of the middle boulder. Use the small jugs for each hand and move up the slab. Remember please, that Roe was wearing Vibrams when she went up. Her toes were all bendy.


The center boulder at Bearach Mhorie s chock full of surprises. From sharp, nonexistent holds to massive jugs that will carry you straight to the top. You'll have a good time.


The sand will catch you if you fall. As far as we can tell, it goes to the center of the Earth. Don't worry about your falls, it's a bed o' roses.

500 km
500 mi