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Peak Mountain 3

Morla: The Ancient One

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a simple solid V2 with a cool undercling start. Yellow= hand holds, blue=foot holds To start: match on bottom lip with left foot on bottom foot hold and high right toe hook behind the right jaw. Work hands across bottom lip, match right hand to right toe, big left slap to the slopey snoot with right foot on right most foot hold. To top big juggy hole at the top of the head and a high left head on left side of the mouth.

An extra jug just left of the big sharp crack and a sharp crimp above that


GPS: 37.968799,-90.535088

Directly above and back 30ft from the bigger walls that can be seen from the main field/ parking lot. 


pad and maybe a spotter for new climbers

2000 km
1000 mi