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Peak Mountain 3

Livin' in Sin

FA Dan Bookless & Greg Lee 1/23/2021
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Straight up the middle of Trinity Wall is an old unnamed Top Rope climb.  This unrefined gem has been hiding in plain sight for decades.  Livin' in Sin is characterized by 20 feet of difficult 5.11+/5.12-  slab climbing followed by a improbable roof.   The Roof is more or less avoided by stemming with your Right Foot on the hanging pillar.  One hard Left hand crank off of a two finger crimp and then the difficulty eases up considerably. It then follows the path of least resistance to the anchors, meandering up the enjoyable 5.9+ face above. By far the most fun and interesting part is unlocking the slab at the start.


dead center of the wall


4 bolts 

Routes in (7) Trinity Wall

2000 km
1000 mi