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Peak Mountain 3

Unknown Moderate

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This may fall under "Northern End Moderates" in the Rakkup guide, but I think it's worth pulling out and mentioning here! To the left of Route 66, around the two bulging columns, is a nice stem box with thin seams on either side and some horizontal breaks on the middle column. Climb up the steeper section, then move in to the left crack when it goes much less than vertical for some awesome low angle hand and foot jamming.


Left of Route 66 and right of bright green lichen column, starts in stem box.


Gear through 3", traverse right to get to Route 66 "anchor" (one cord and two slings wrapped around a boulder with one locker and one non-locker). Either build an anchor for top roping, or have a follower clean the route. Be careful to not get your rope stuck when pulling it!

2000 km
1000 mi