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Peak Mountain 3

One Punch Man

FA Luke Bertelsen - March 2018
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Bring your boxing gloves and prepare to get your crimp on for this one. This route would be more at home on the Mt. Lemmon Beaver Wall.

Begin in the mined out dihedral and ledge. Pull the initial roof with long pulls on good holds then dispatch the white streak above with more long moves and high feet. At the top of the streak you will find yourself perched just below a gorgeous gently overhung orange and black streaked headwall with even more long moves on small underclings, thin tufas, crimps, and less that ideal feet options. If you can take this punch you just have to solve the remaining blunt arete to dihedral climbing above.

This is an awesome addition to the wall.


Immediately right of 'The Violator'.


10 bolts to chains with lower offs.

1000 km
500 mi