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Peak Mountain 3

Feelio's Lament

FA Mike Tea, Tyler Phillips
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Sharing the start with Aces High, look for the hidden pin. Head straight up, and just when the climbing starts getting good, escape around the corner left into the choss filled gully like a coward. Ignore the shouts of your partner, confirming this to be a terrible idea. Weave your way like a scared cat through stacks upon stacks of piled debris, just waiting to rain down and put an abbreviated end to you, and your belayers time on this earth. Summon the courage to run the whole rope out with occasional fun moves on loose dirt and gravel. Surmount the ledge, and wedge yourself into the pile of loose blocks praying to your god of choice that your partner ascends to your belay, without being maimed or badly disfigured due to your egregious choice of route finding. After a good hearted chuckle…ponder why you didn't have the testicular fortitude to just stay out on the enjoyable face of Aces High in the first place.


Creative runnering will keep your rope out of the tons of choss. Maybe.

Routes in Aces High Tower

2000 km
1000 mi