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Peak Mountain 3

Black and Tan

FA Jay Foley, Donna Longo and friends?
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Black & Tan is a fun 5.10 climb on the Leaning Boulder/Water Wall. Climb an easy start to a single hard move before clipping the first bolt (can place a cam first). Step right and pull on positive holds on a bulge/prow. Above, you'll turn a small roof and reach a technical face to one last bulge [had a fixed pin, now missing] before the chains.

The clean tan face to the left can be toproped at a slightly harder grade.


Black & Tan is the 3rd bolted line from the left end of Leaning Boulder Wall.


2 bolts to a 2-bolt anchor. Bring a light rack of nuts and cams.

1000 km
500 mi