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Peak Mountain 3

Old Stone Crab

FA Jeff Baldwin
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Head up the first pitch of

Old School

: Start from a rough, natural belay ledge and follow the black-painted bolts up and right. Surmount a bulge or two and get to a foot-wide ledge.

From the ledge, head left rather than right and continue up slabbier rock with pockets here and there. Come to a steeper bit and continue up on big edges to the anchors.


Located at the east (downhill) side of the buttress that forms the right side of the upper part of the gully containing

Visionary Wall

. Approach by either walking up the left side of the

Visionary Wall

gully near the left wall and then cutting across the gully, or continue along the stream bed and scramble up the next gully to the north.

This is the right of the two bolt lines, and branches off to the left on the slabbier terrain above.


16 bolts, single-ring anchors.

1000 km
1000 mi