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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start at about chest height with left hand sidepulls (your choice) and a sloping pinch for the right hand. Figure out the feet then move up and slightly right towards the slab. Crux is figuring out how to hang onto a tiny crimp before moving to a good edge and a jug knob on the slab.

Down climb to the right, heading toward the tree right in the corner. You may want a pad to jump onto or do a V0/1 downclimb.


On the Masterlock boulder. On the right side of the tall orange face. Hard to miss since you walk past this to get to the Main Area with R2V2 and Oh-V1-Kenobi.


A couple pads to cover the rock and roots which are center of the landing zone.

1000 km
500 mi