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Peak Mountain 3

I Suck Epiphany

FA Ethan HInes, 3/21/20
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is an extremely crimpy problem. From a standing start, you begin with 2 chest level crimps and some small foot chips. The crux is being able to move yourself up to the obvious sloper on the right side of the wall. a dyno from the sloper to the top is the intended beta.


This problem is located within the cave. It is the opposite of the major wall that makes up the cave. Finding the problem should be relatively easy, because it is well chalked up from multiple sessions of attempts. There are 3 or 4 "walls" closing off the cave, and the problem is located on the one that is second farthest to the left.


A pad should be sufficient protection.

2000 km
1000 mi