HomeUSAArizonaNorthern ArizonaSedona AreaSedonaTwin ButteEast Twin ButteChurch Spires AreaChurch Wall and Religion WallLower Religion Wall<Brown Hornet5.11a/b>Red Faced Cheeto Eater5.10cEdit modeThe Locomotion5.11atradtrFA David BloomCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionthis route probably has another name...? climb thin unprotected face to flare to thin face then short hand crack to anchors below Broken AreteLocationFace located between Brown Hornet and Poop Chute.Protectionthin, after 25ft.Routes in Lower Religion Wall1Watchtower AKA Last Temptation5.12-Trad2Easy Rider5.9Trad3Brown Hornet5.11a/bTrad · Tr4The Locomotion5.11aTrad · Tr 5Red Faced Cheeto Eater5.10cTrad6Poop Chute5.10-Trad7[Redacted]5.11aSport8Centipede5.10Sport9Cat Claw5.10+Sport