HomeUSAPennsylvaniaSouth Central PASafe HarborSafe Harbor North1.5 Chimney of Horror SectionxMann's Run<Trail thru the woods5.8>Easter Beagle5.65.8+sportFA Matt WCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in xMann's Run1A Charlie Brown Christmas5.9Sport2Good Grief! Charlie Brown5.9Sport3Snoopy and the Red Baron5.11Tr · Sport4Trail thru the woods5.8Sport5Security Blanket5.8+Sport 6Easter Beagle5.6Trad7Pig Pen5.9Trad8What's up Chuck?5.10Sport9The joy is in the playing5.10Sport10Daisy Hill5.10dTr · Sport11Ziggerella's Day OffV1-Bouldering