HomeUSANevadaWestern NevadaPyramid Lake AreaPig Rock AreaContra CanyonContra Canyon Towers>Spanish Bombs5.11aEdit modeSapphire Eyes5.8sportFA Steve Glotfelty, 1990CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionClimb on the left side of the arete.LocationOf the five routes, this is the farthes left. Climb over a ledge, then continue up left side of arete.Protection4 bolts plus 2 bolts for chains at top. 3rd anchor bolt is new to supplement the two cold-shuts.Routes in Contra Canyon Towers1Sapphire Eyes5.8Sport 2Spanish Bombs5.11aSport3Tropic Sun5.10aSport4Honduras Beaches5.9Sport5Charlie Don't Surf5.12bSport6Sandanista Madness5.12bSport