HomeUSACaliforniaHigh Sierra06 - Little Lakes Valley & Mono RecessesMt Starr<South Ridge low5.4Edit modeSummit Ridge traverse S->N3rdtradalpineFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionLots of interesting scrambling with big views out to both sides.. . Shorter approach than most other scrambling/climbing routes in Little Lakes Valley / Rock Creek area -- mostly on well-maintained hiking trail starting from trailhead parking higher than most for the Sierra mountain range.Scramble roughly north up the ridge to the summit.. . (with 460 vertical feet of uphill).Then more scrambling for perhaps another 200 or 300 feet north beyond the summit.- . .See approach + route on Map. . - -For maximum scrambling on this trip, return the same way. Otherwise ...Descent options:See on Mt Starr area page.LocationThe start of rock for scrambling/climbing is around GPS latitude longitude approx (N37.4221 W118.7694), which is about 380 feet NNE from the south end (N37.4211 W118.7705) of the summit ridge (a fine viewpoint worth visiting before starting the scrambling part).Hike the Mono Pass trail - [see on Map] - up to Mono Pass (N37.4252 W118.7727).. . (for trailhead Parking and getting on trail,see under Getting There on the Mt Starr area page).Next turn sharp Right and hike SouthEast up sand/scree to point on the summmit ridge where the exposed rock starts -- or add a little hiking distance by going first to the south end viewpoint.For some additional more interesing (and more difficult) scrambling/climbing, this south end of the summit ridge could also be reached by first climbingthe South Ridge low routeorthe SSW Ridge route.ProtectionNo fixed protection.Protection for Trad leading is unknown and likely inadequate.Routes in Mt Starr1SSW Ridge low4thTrad · Alpine2South Ridge low5.4Trad · Alpine3Summit Ridge traverse S->N3rdTrad · Alpine