HomeUSACaliforniaSan Francisco Bay AreaCliff House BouldersMain Wall<Like a V6V6>Astral WeeksV8Edit modeThe Old Man And The Sea 5.11+/5.12-5.11+ PGtrboulderingFA Unknown to meCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart on a crimp and an undercling. Make a big move to the the crack then follow the crack to the top.LocationMain wallProtectionI did it with one pad but three would be ideal. A lot of people set up top rope. If you do boulder it don’t fall off the top you could fall in the rock behind you.Routes in Main Wall1Cliff House TraverseV3Bouldering2AreteV0Bouldering3Left FaceV1Bouldering4Right FaceV3Bouldering5Layback CrackV0Bouldering6The RampV0Bouldering7Grey WallV0Bouldering8Left CrackV1Bouldering9Cliff House RoofV1Bouldering10Like a V6V6Bouldering11The Old Man And The Sea 5.11+/5.12-5.11+Tr · Bouldering 12Astral WeeksV8Bouldering13Happy EndingV5Bouldering14Wounded Knee TraverseV6-7Bouldering