HomeUSAColoradoSouth PlatteTurkey RocksTurkey Rock<Second Coming5.8>Turkey Shoot5.9Edit modeTurkey Challenge aka The Pro5.11d RtradFA Maurice Reed and George Bracksieck, September 4, 1983CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionOn September 4, 1983, I led the first pitch ofTurkey Shoot. Maurice then led straight up a thin crack into the unknown, to the left of the second pitch ofTurkey Shoot. This was difficult climbing up alternating thin crack and thin face (with only occasional protection) eventually reaching a ledge. I followed then led an easy pitch to the top.Four bolts were placed by someone else, years later, when whoever thought he was doing a first ascent. Guidebooks published in 1988, ‘89, ‘97 give it different names. We didn’t name it.LocationStart atop pitch one ofTurkey Shoot.ProtectionLots of gadgets, from tiny to big.Routes in Turkey Rock1Direct Hit5.9+Trad2Northern Comfort5.9+Trad3Southern Comfort5.9Trad4Route 9025.7+Trad5That's All You Get For Five Bucks5.5Trad · Tr6Dash and Thrangle5.7Trad7Gobbler's Grunt5.9Trad8Second Coming5.8Trad9Turkey Challenge aka The Pro5.11dTrad 10Turkey Shoot5.9Trad11Where Turkeys Dare5.9Trad12Glen's Pancake5.8Trad · Tr13Nightime Madness5.7Trad14Chopping Block5.7Trad15Jump Start5.9Trad16Vanishing Point5.10dTrad17Stewart's Crack5.8Trad18In Style, Out of Fashion5.11Trad · Tr · Sport19Great White Crime5.11aTrad20Satyr's Asshole5.10-Trad21Tryptophane5.11+Trad22Straw Turkey5.10aTrad23Brain Cramps5.9+Trad24Brain Front5.8+Trad25The Eastern Front5.8Trad26Hallucinogenic Blues5.9Trad27The Fiend5.9Trad28Little Edward's Little Overhang5.10bTrad29Finger Crack5.8Trad30Curving Crack Variation5.9+Trad31Rastafarian5.9+Trad32Finger Lickin' Good5.10c/dTrad33Wild Fire5.9Trad34Tofonareeker5.8Trad