Full Clip

FA Will Stanhope, Mike Doyle, Ben Moon, 4/08
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Another killer line. It's worth considering that this line and it's neighbor to the left were both put up on-sight, ground-up, on the same trip by one person. Full Clip is basically the stemming version of Winter Sustenance. Climb through a seemingly endless 60' of yellow and blue metolius to a brief crux move followed by a tenuous no-hands stem. After this it's another 20' of sustained 5.10+ to the chains.


Full Clip is the endless fingers corner in darker rock immediately right of Winter Sustenance. (the elegant, super-chalked fingers splitter)


The rack that worked great for me was: 4 blue metolius 8 yellow metolius 1 red metolius (opt.) That being said, it'll eat pretty much anything in the blue-orange range (esp. yellow) and a red is nice to have for the top.

Routes in The Main Wall

  1. 48
    Full Clip