HomeUSACaliforniaNortheast CaliforniaLassen AreaHWY 44Roadside Hide aka Cardiac Cliff<First Pillar5.10>The Corner5.7Edit modeFrench Fried Knuckle Buster5.11-trFA JadianCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThe roadside crag has been "discovered" by numerous parties, some before bolting, some after. But until Paul Bernard's great book "Rock climbs of Northeast California" few knew of names of routes or FA's in the area. Hence many names for the same route.French Fried Knuckle Buster is a case in point. A few un-named guys got together and did all the lines here, naming everything "French Fried....". No one remembers why, just happened.The line goes straight up through 3 mini roofs, with at least 2 dynos and as many lock off dead points. Named for the busted knuckles you might get if you blow the last big dyno. He did.LocationCenter of the "First Pillar". Best to extend the chains a little with a runner, draws, etc.ProtectionTopropeRoutes in Roadside Hide aka Cardiac Cliff1First Pillar5.10Tr2French Fried Knuckle Buster5.11-Tr 3The Corner5.7Tr4The Crack5.10Tr5Cardiac Arete5.11Tr6The Ish or the Er. aka French Fried Frog Legs5.10b/cTr7Muscrat Love5.12aTr8French Fried Spider Web5.10+Tr9All Thumbs5.10+Tr10Practice Crack5.3Tr