HomeUSACaliforniaJoshua Tree National ParkPinto BasinSplit RocksSplit Rocks EastSplit DomeSplit Dome (South Rock)<Worthy of It5.8>Desert Sky (aka Environment-Oil President)5.10d5.9tradFA Rick Ledesma and Reese Martin, March 1988CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionProtectionRoutes in Split Dome (South Rock)1Worthy of It5.8Trad2Too Obvious5.9Trad 3Desert Sky (aka Environment-Oil President)5.10dTrad4Turtle Vein5.8Trad5Nipple, The5.10cTrad6Bike Across America5.10cTrad7Porky's Excellent Adventure5.8Trad8Cleared For Takeoff5.11aTrad9Joshua Tree Coffee5.6Sport10Joshua Tree Brew5.7Sport