HomeUSANew MexicoNew Mexico, other Southern AreasLast Chance CanyonSolstice Cave<Hot Tamale5.10b>Hail Mary5.12c/dEdit modeFireball5.10csportFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionStill needs some work to be good. Some loose rock still off the main line makes a helmet essential. This route climbs the prow that stands just right of the Hot Tamale. For full effect, stay out on the prow and avoid the crack on the left. Overall, a decent line that should get inconsistent ratings as it's much harder straight up.Location5 feet right of the Hot Tamale.ProtectionBolts, and Chain Anchors.Routes in Solstice Cave1Flamer5.13bSport2Infernal Justice5.13bSport3Straight Into Frantic Oblivion5.13dSport4It Puts the Buff On5.13aSport5It Knocks Your Socks Off5.13bSport6Total Eclipse5.12c/dSport7Solstice5.12dSport8Essence of Darkness5.13aSport9Eternal Sunshine5.12aSport10Scorcher5.11cSport11Hot Tamale5.10bSport12Fireball5.10cSport 13Hail Mary5.12c/dSport14Hail Bop5.11c/dSport