HomeUSAWashingtonNorthwest RegionSan Juan, Fidalgo & Whidbey IslandsMount ErieShady HollowNew Millennium Wall<Bull in a China Closet5.7>Brook Trout5.9+5.9tradFA B. Miller, D. Kloke: 2001CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in New Millennium Wall1The Gift that Keeps On Giving5.6Sport2Mike's Bamboozle5.8Trad3It Ain't Worth it5.3Trad4The Grass is Greener5.6Trad5Klokeism5.9+Sport6Washing the Elephant5.10aSport7Unknown5.8Trad · Tr8Just Barely Hanging On5.9Sport9Who Ya Gonna Call5.5Trad · Tr10Talking Turkeys5.8Trad11Marshmallow Chicks5.9Trad · Tr12Wuddeal5.9Trad · Sport13Oh, Baby!5.9Trad14The Sky is Falling5.7Trad15Birthday Boy5.8+Sport16Bull in a China Closet5.7Trad17Bob's Bad Hand5.9Trad 18Brook Trout5.9+Trad · Tr