HomeUSARhode IslandRocky PointPuddingstone HeightsFlume Arete, The<The Great Wave TraverseV2-3>This Is WaterV1Edit modeThe Illustrious Flume RideV1boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart standing down on the dirt ground (just off the sloped rock landing) with hands on decent holds on each side of the arête. Establish with feet way under the roof (on cobbles). Fire up to good holds up the arête and topout on jugs.LocationJutting prow.ProtectionPadRoutes in The Flume Arete1KanagawaV2Bouldering2The Great Wave TraverseV2-3Bouldering3The Illustrious Flume RideV1Bouldering 4This Is WaterV1Bouldering5Surf BreakV3-4Bouldering6Washed UpV0+Bouldering