HomeUSACaliforniaYosemite National ParkYosemite ValleyValley North Side Yosemite Falls AreaYosemite Falls Wall>Freestone (Geek Towers, Left)5.11c5.10+ PGtradaidFA 1963: Royal Robbins and DickMcCracken, FFA 2017- Sasha DiGiulian and John CardwellCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Yosemite Falls Wall1Misty Wall (with free variation finishing on Escape from Tora Bora)5.10+Trad · Aid 2Freestone (Geek Towers, Left)5.11cTrad3Center Route, Geek Towers5.10aTrad4Drain Bamage5.11Trad · Aid