HomeUSACaliforniaWestern SierraPatterson BluffPatterson Left<The Sun Also Rises (Sunset Buttress)5.12c>The Forebay5.125.9tradaidFA Scott Thelen, Brandon Thau, Richard Leversee, Mark Leffler, 11/1999CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Patterson Left1Four Play5.10+Trad2The Way of the Dragon5.11Trad · Aid3The Drive-In5.11+Sport4Escape Route5.9Trad5The Money Shot5.12Trad6The Sun Also Rises (Sunset Buttress)5.12cTrad7Raptors of the Steep5.9Trad · Aid 8The Forebay5.12Trad9Some Assembly Required5.11Trad10Under the Gun5.11Trad · Aid11Under the Knife5.12bTrad1250 lbs of Crack5.12a/bTrad13Some Restrictions Apply5.10+Trad14The Face that Launched 1000 Clips5.12c/dTrad15La Cara Perfecta (Ten)5.10Sport16Eleven5.11b/cTrad17Millenium Falcon5.12Trad · Aid