HomeUSAColoradoTelluride/Norwood areaOphirOphir WallEast Buttress<Sugar Mama5.7>Slot Right Step Left5.9+Edit modeSay Goodbye To Hollywood5.10 RtradFA A. Pattie, B. Adams, R. Sylvester, 1985CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionHead out left on the corner, clipping an old quarter incher at a cruxy section down low. Continue up the shallow dihedral above. The dihedral is not too hard, but the gear is poor and there is definitely a mandatory run-out in there. The dihedral ends at a good ledge. A good placement is available on top of the ledge (I placed a bomber tri-cam: pink or red). After the ledge, pull the overlap, then climb 15 feet of steep face climbing to the tree belay.LocationStart at the corner just left ofSlot Right Step Left.ProtectionOne bolt, small gear, tri-cams.Routes in East Buttress1Chestnut5.9Trad2Sugar Mama5.7Trad3Say Goodbye To Hollywood5.10Trad 4Slot Right Step Left5.9+Trad5The Slot5.7Trad6Adam's Rib5.9Trad7Adagio5.9Trad8Pine Box5.10+Trad9Fun Park5.13aSport10Block Party5.10dSport11Neve's Cling On5.11bSport12Yellow Latex Blues5.10bSport13Goldrush5.12bSport14Rumble in the Jungle5.13aSport15Moondance5.12bSport16Beyond The Abyss5.13aSport17Yorkey's Crumpet5.8Trad18Tap Dancing5.11aTrad