HomeUSANew Jersey NorthWestCranberry Hollow Benes<Close Right Ramp5.6>Right Face5.10cEdit modePillar Right Inside Corner5.6trFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionSome thoughtful moves in two different rock situations. But it's not very long (because going above top of pillar gets too difficult).Start on left-trending ramp below wide inside corner with crack, in the right side of the central pillar. Up along the crack, then around the right side of slightly overhanging cap block, to arrive on top of pillar. . . . ? project Variation ? From notch on right side of cap block, go up main face to the top).warning: The rock on and near this route has not been climbed much yet, and some of the rock is still breakable and loose -- so the belayer and other people should stand far away from underneath the climber or someone setting up top anchor.. . . (Lots of vegetation on this rock as of 2018. Be prepared when climbing to navigate around protruding trees and branches, and dealing with holds slippery with grass, lichen, moss, dirt).FA style + Naming of routes: For more on this - - > See the Main page for Cranberry Hollow.LocationLeft-trending ramp below wide inside corner with crack, in the right side of the central pillar.- > See on this Photo. . . . or on this PhotoProtectionFor ideas how to set up anchor for Top-Roping, see the description page for this sector.Protection for trad Leading is unknown and likely inadequate.Routes in r. Benes1Far Left Face5.8+Tr2Face Left of Corners5.8Tr3Left Corners5.11+Tr4Ramp Left5.6Tr5Left Ridge5.9-Tr6Left Gully5.8-Tr7Left Face5.9Tr8Face Left -> Flake Right5.10+Tr9Pillar Left Chimney5.8-Tr10Pillar Left Arete5.9+Tr11Pillar Left Face5.8+Tr12Pillar Right Face5.8-Tr13Pillar Right Arete5.9Tr14Close Right Ramp5.6Tr15Pillar Right Inside Corner5.6Tr 16Right Face5.10cTr17Right Crack5.7+Tr18Right ScrambleEasy 5thTr19Far Right RampEasy 5thTr