HomeUSACaliforniaJoshua Tree National ParkLost Horse AreaRock Garden ValleyRock Garden Valley - Middle<The Treat5.7+>Mr. Michael goes to Washington5.85.6tradFA unknownCREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Rock Garden Valley - Middle1Single Cat Leg (aka Why Does it Hurt When I Pee?)5.10bTrad2Turning Tricks5.11aTrad3What's Hannen5.10bTrad4Cuban Sandwich5.10aTrad5Swiss Cheese5.8Trad6The Treat5.7+Trad7Double Fisting5.6Trad 8Mr. Michael goes to Washington5.8Trad9Marion Barry Goes to Washington5.10aTr10Blue Sky, Black Death5.6Trad11Black Plague5.9-Trad · Tr