HomeUSAWyomingCodyCedar Mountain BouldersSwitchback BouldersWilford's Wretch boulder<Wretched HarleyV10Edit modeWilford's WretchV6boulderingFA Mark WilfordCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionA great problem located on Wilford's Wretch boulder. Start in the crack and work your way slightly right in crimps and pockets. Throw to the large jug. Brave enough for the top-out? Me neither.LocationThe start is located on the overhanging face that can be seen from the roundabout. Start in the crack.ProtectionCrash pads (plural) and a good spotter.Routes in Wilford's Wretch boulder1Deadmans HarleyV8Bouldering2Riding A Deadmans HarleyV10Bouldering3Wretched HarleyV10Bouldering4Wilford's WretchV6Bouldering