HomeUSACaliforniaHigh Sierra01 - Hoover WildernessTower Peak<Watchtower - North Face5.8>Where there is a Wall there is a Way5.8Edit modeWhere there is a Will there is a Way5.8tradalpineFA David Blattel, Bill Leventhal, Will Oxx, August 2009CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionCrux on the lower 3 pitches.LocationStarts at a black water streak 200' right of the North Face.ProtectionLight rack.Routes in Tower Peak1Northwest Chute3rdTrad · Alpine2Watchtower - NE Face5.7Trad · Alpine3Watchtower - North Face5.8Trad · Alpine4Where there is a Will there is a Way5.8Trad · Alpine 5Where there is a Wall there is a Way5.8Trad · Alpine6Over the Hill5.8Trad · Alpine