HomeUSAColoradoDenver Metropolitan Area Bouldering and BuilderingDenver SouthCastlewood Canyon SPBouldering problemsPunani Area/North CanyonUrban Adventure Boulder<Snow ShoesV4Edit modeWacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Armed Tube ManV2+boulderingFA Tim SwiontekCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStart low under the lip, get over the lip, once into slab it is easy V2, if that, for the rest. Getting over the lip into the slab is the crux. The slab is pretty easy.LocationIt is on the Urban Adventure Boulder, on the way to Punani Boulder before the bridge.ProtectionPads. This is a slab problem, but it is pretty high. It was FA'ed in the dark around 12am.Routes in Urban Adventure Boulder1A River Runs Through ItV4-5Bouldering2AvalancheV6Bouldering3Dry IceV3Bouldering4Snow ShoesV4Bouldering5Wacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Armed Tube ManV2+Bouldering