HomeUSAColoradoCO Ice & MixedRMNP - Mixed/IceBear Lake TrailheadsEmerald Lake / Tyndall GorgeHallett Peak - ice/mixed/snowEast Buttress<Steeplechase5.5>Left of CleftEdit modeButterfingers5.7tradmixedalpineFA Possibly Chad Volk and Erik Werner, 5/21/11CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThe name comes from the simple fact that I dropped a ton of kit while on the FA. Freezing cold at the base while belaying, I tried to add a balaclava... ZIP, helmet went like an upside down turtle down to Emerald Lake. Further up, I was scrambling with tools hooked over my neck and dropped one down the ridge into the descent gully, Butterfingers.P1. Find the start chimney behind a fin, it angles right. Fun climbing straight up chimney (M4) leads to block ledge system. From here, either take blocky ridge on the right to a pink headwall or move left and climb smooth slab to the same spot (M4+).P2. At the headwall, either traverse left and immediately head up over bulges (M4) or take headwall diagonaling crack (M4-M5). Head straight up ridge, climbing the fun, bouldery steps and cracks as they present themselves. Climb up to big ledge below a clear headwall, or as far as rope drag permits.P3. Climb the headwall, M3+/M4, via the offwidth, and then take the left exit of the Y-crack. You get bomber tool and gear placements. Continue as far as you can on the ridge until rope drag shuts you down. One might be able to make it up to the tree.P4. Continue along ridge to the final difficulties. Take the ledge out to right, and climb the vertical section at the clear weakness (5.8, be careful, the boulder up top moves). Continue up to final corner leading to the summit (5.6).Descent: downclimb back of a block to trees in a gully on the right. The rap anchor is on the lowest tree (you can also just downclimb a gully if the snow is safe).LocationThis is on the same mossy, chossy buttress above Emerald as other routes. Skirt the base to the far right, directly before the descent gully. Several options exist for first pitch - blocky starts aplenty or the chimney we used.ProtectionA standard rack to #2 Camalot, no screws, and no pins.Routes in East Buttress1Steeplechase5.5Trad · Mixed · Alpine2Butterfingers5.7Trad · Mixed · Alpine 3Left of CleftMixed · Alpine4East RidgeAlpine