HomeUSAWashingtonSouthwest CascadesColumbia GorgeBridge of the Gods BouldersDome, The<The UpsetterV8>Middle FingerV3Edit modeOne Small StepV6boulderingFA Idk. Maybe me, but I doubt it.CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023DescriptionSit start to Stretch Armstrong. Left hand on the lowest left edge of the face, just above the left foot. Right hand as high as you can reach on the right side of the face. Right foot smear. Compress upward, thuggishly, into Armstrong.LocationNortheast face of the Armstrong boulder, SDS.ProtectionOne padRoutes in The Dome15-Star AreteV3Bouldering2The BouncerV4Bouldering3White LinesV6Bouldering4RodeoV6Bouldering5Rodeo LowV10-11Bouldering6Stretch ArmstrongV5Bouldering7Lotus ThroneV10Bouldering8The UpsetterV8Bouldering9One Small StepV6Bouldering 10Middle FingerV3Bouldering